All Morgen brand childcare and integral child centres share a single pedagogical vision based on legislation, our knowledge, experience and ambitions for the future.
Our pedagogical vision places child development at the fore. We encourage this development by giving the children at our childcare the space to learn through play. In a safe, challenging environment which children enjoy, we ensure that they feel at home and develop their talents. No matter who they are or where they come from, every child can participate. Our approach is based on the 10 themes of the Healthy Childcare (Gezonde Kinderopvang).
Our pedagogical approach is described in the Dutch Childcare Act (Wet Kinderopvang). This concerns the following four educational goals:
We have incorporated these four educational goals into our pedagogical vison as guiding principles for the child, the staff member, the group and the space. All these factors play a role in offering high quality childcare and form a framework for us to work towards quality improvements. We examine quality in the groups on a structural basis and make a plan for continuous improvement. This means it is possible for not only our children to grow but also our staff, and hence the quality of the organisation improves.
To enable us to achieve these goals, we invest in collaboration with parents and organisations related to children. We take the time to get to know parents and to build up a relationship of trust. Together we try to make the transition from home to childcare happen as seamlessly as possible.
In addition to parents, schools are crucial for our collaboration. There is an increasing number of community schools and integral child centres in which education and childcare work together. We believe in the power of a broad approach and applaud that collaboration. After all, together with them, we shape the child’s world.
⇒ Read our full Pedagogical Vision (in Dutch)
Discover our childcare brands in The Hague-Ypenburg, Rijswijk, Delft and Westland-Wateringen.