In our childcare centres, we are working towards a future in which every child is able to reach their full potential. A better tomorrow, perfectly organised.

Board of Directors

Tineke Onink has been manager/director of the organisation since 2006. Tineke is also chair of the management team, which consists of four members:

  • Tineke Onink-Emde, manager/director en chair management team
  • Annelies Verduin, primary process manager
  • Femmie Streng, pedagogical, quality and HR manager
  • Inez van Osnabrugge-Demon, business manager.


Parents/guardians play an important role within Morgen. This goes further than the participation defined by the Dutch Childcare Act (Wet Kinderopvang). The parents council (ouderraad) and parent committees (oudercommissies) play an active role, contribute to important decision-making and act as a valuable sounding board. The parents council regularly meets with the manager/director and the parent committees meet the location manager or the brand manager.

Works council

The works council (ondernemingsraad) represents all our staff and is a discussion partner for the manager/director in matters of business policy and personnel issues. The works council is consulted at an early stage if changes are proposed. We discuss not only what is demanded by law, but also what we consider important for each other. We have a high level of mutual trust and commitment.


The Supervisory Board is involved in strategic policy and Morgen’s position in society. They also ensure that our stated objectives are achieved. Read more in the management report (bestuursverslag, in Dutch).

Morgen works in accordance with the VTOI-VNTK Inspection Code (internal childcare and educational sector inspection body or Code Goed Toezicht, in Dutch). We also adhere to the Childcare Governance Code (governance code kinderopvang) defining principles for good conduct, management and inspection. This is how we implement principled, socially responsible and efficient supervision and management.

Municipalities are responsible for inspection of childcare centres. The GGD (the Municipal Health Service) inspects our childcare centres on behalf of the municipality, checking that we meet national quality standards. All inspection reports are publicly available on the National Childcare Register (Landelijk Register Kinderopvang).

Morgen is affiliated with the Childcare Complaints Desk (Klachtenloket Kinderopvang) and the Childcare Disputes Commission (Geschillencommissie Kinderopvang).

“We have made a conscious decision to join the social childcare trade organisation, BMK. This means our profits are channelled back into the childcare centre and childcare remains available in areas where it may not be profitable, but this is exactly where the children need it the most.”
Tineke Onink, manager/director

Other network partners

Morgen collaborates with schools, school boards, municipalities and Civil Society Organisations. We play an active role as an expert partner in child-related networks:

  • Social Childcare Sector Foundation, BMK – member
    As a member of the national board, our manager has a broad overview of developments at national level thus contributing to a proactive policy within our region.
  • Kindcentra 2020 – member
    As one of the sector leaders, we have played a pioneering role for many years and we are working towards developing childcare rights for every child and towards cementing a developmental and learning centre for children aged 0 to 12 within a single organisation.
  • Associatie voor Jeugd (Youth Association) – member
    By participating as a childcare organisation, we primarily contribute expertise on early detection of problems; how correct support in the child’s current environment can prevent them from requiring more extensive intervention at a later stage.
  • City of The Hague official childcare platform – participant
  • Rijswijk municipal consultations on pre-school and early years education – participant
  • Rijswijk municipal workgroup on youth and education – participant
  • City of Delft Platform for Educational Disadvantage Policy – participant
  • National PACT Kindcentra – member
    Aiming for a developmental environment for children aged 0 to 12 in which every child counts, participates and learns. Participant in the national committee for an all-encompassing functional framework for childcare centres.
  • Advisory Board, Vocational Training Centre ROC Mondriaan – member
    Working with representatives from the business world for a good insight into developments in the labour market and the professional expertise of future personnel. Examples are the joint development of Community School Employee and Integral Child Centre Employee study programmes. This was later extended to national level.

Our brands

Discover our childcare brands in The Hague-Ypenburg, Rijswijk, Delft and Westland-Wateringen.

All brands